[上]這兩種大牌常見防曬成份都被禁了!你還在用嗎?Your Sunscreen is killing the coral reefs!

[ 有害成份 01 - 二苯甲酮 ]

[ Scroll Down for English ]



夏威夷將於 20211月起禁售含有二苯甲酮(oxybenzone)、桂皮酸鹽(octinoxate)的防曬產品以保護珊瑚礁。兩種成份證實會毒害珊瑚礁,最終威脅整個海洋生態。基本上市面上的化學防曬都含有此成份,包括大家熟悉的大牌子如資生堂、Banana Boat Coppertone 等。

 Coral Reef Ocean

// Photo Credit - Instagram : @szelong_story // 

① 二苯甲 – 堪稱珊瑚殺手!此成份會打亂珊瑚蟲的內分泌,造成幼蟲提早骨骼化,無力適應海水升溫,令珊瑚白化。它更會損害珊瑚DNA,讓小珊瑚變形,最終死亡。


用於皮膚上,可能會引致皮膚過敏,更會干擾荷爾蒙,影響生殖系統的正常發展。 研究顯示oxybenzone 與子宮內膜異位,還有產下不足重的女嬰機率有關。

下篇文章會探討 Octinoxate (桂皮酸鹽) 對海洋生態和皮膚的影響。

oxybenzone Octinoxate hawaii 桂皮酸鹽 二苯甲酮

// 相關閱讀:EWG - The Trouble With Sunscreen Chemicals // 


[ TOXIC INGRIDIENTS 01 - Oxybenzone ]

Choose safe , clean and non-toxic sunscreen for yourself, the ocean and the Earth.

Starting from 2021, Hawaii will ban sunscreens with oxybenzone and octinoxate - two chemicals known to damage coral reefs and aquatic life. They are found in nearly every chemical sunscreen - most popular brands like Shiseldo, Coppertone, Banana Boat etc have these toxic chemicals as listed ingredients in their sunscreens.

Hawaii Coral Reef Ocean Tress Sea Green Leaves

// Photo Credit - Instagram : @szelong_story //

① Oxybenzone – This toxic ingredient is a powerful hormone disruptor. The corals produce too much calcium carbonate hence encasing themselves in the skeleton, which exacerbates coral bleaching and leads to their death .

It also cause oxidative damage to the DNA of coral reefs, making them less able to reproduce or having unhealthy offspring.

What can the toxic chemicals do to your skin if they can cause damage to the coral reefs ?

in addition to high rates of skin allergies, it acts like estrogen in the body and has been associated with endometriosis in women. Studies (Kunisue 2013, Wolff 2008) have found that it may lead to increased risk of endometriosis and lower birthweight in daughters.

Do you also want to know about the adverse effects of Octinoxate to both the aquatic life and our skin? Stay tuned for the next article! :)

// Extended Reading : EWG - The Trouble With Sunscreen Chemicals // 


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