Lady Lohas Organics 有機楽活研究室 精心挑選每一項商品 – 簡潔美學包裝、永恆持續的天然有機理念。而這些理念跟價值觀也成為 Lady Lohas Organics 的框架。
Lady Lohas Organics 有機楽活研究室 為香港註冊公司。
我們確保所有產品均是官方授權代理正貨。我們希望每一位顧客對於所購買商品的來源都能感到安心,如有任何疑問,歡迎來信 查詢。
All of these blog posts are personal opinions we have developed after researching different topics on our own. We highly encourage you all to not just blindly trust us but to do the research yourself as well. While we do our best to only share important information, we are not scientists or doctors instead, just two girls trying to reduce their toxic load. Please, use your discretion before taking any of our advice and please do not take our advice over your doctors, unless you’re a rebel and decide to on your own.