[下]這兩種大牌常見防曬成份都被禁了!你還在用嗎?Your Sunscreen is killing the coral reefs!

[ 有害成份 02 - Octinoxate 桂皮酸鹽 ]

octinoxate toxic sunscreen ingredients 防曬 成份 分析

夏威夷將於20211月起禁售含有二苯甲酮(oxybenzone)、桂皮酸鹽(octinoxate)的防曬產品以保護珊瑚礁。兩種成份證實會毒害珊瑚礁,最終威脅整個海洋生態。資生堂、Banana Boat Coppertone 等大獎牌子的防曬均含有此成份。

Starting from 2021, Hawaii will ban sunscreens with Oxybenzone and Octinoxate - two chemicals known to damage coral reefs and aquatic life. They are found in nearly every chemical sunscreen - most popular brands like Shiseldo, Coppertone, Banana Boat etc have these toxic chemicals as listed ingredients in their sunscreens.

Coral Reef Ocean marine oxybenzone Octinoxate sunscreen toxic ingredient girls blue


What can the toxic chemicals do to your skin if they can cause damage to the coral reefs ?

上一次探討了二苯甲酮 Oxybenzone 的禍害 [ 按此查看 ] ,今次我們會探討另外一種防曬產品中常見的有害成份 - 桂皮酸鹽 Octinoxate

In the last article, we have discussed what Oxybenzone can do harm to both the marine life and your health ] . This time we will talk about the harmful effects of Octinoxate.

②  桂皮酸鹽 – 能吸收陽光中的中波紫外線,但對皮膚禍害甚多!

1/ 擾亂荷爾蒙,已經有研究證實Octinoxate 會影響雌激素同甲狀腺。或會導致男士體內睪丸素下降。

2/ 可能會引致皮膚炎,敏感肌必須留意。

3/ 產生自由基(free radicals) 造成皮膚老化。

 ②  Octinoxate – skin allergies are connected, in addition to alteration of hormone activity, reproductive issues. Plus, the ingredients can generate cell-damaging free radicals when exposed to the sun!  (Krause 2012, Sarveiya 2004, Rodriguez, 2006, Klinubol 2008)


Choose safe , clean and non-toxic sunscreen for yourself, the ocean and the Earth.

延伸閱讀:[上]這兩種大牌常見防曬成份都被禁了!你還在用嗎?Your Sunscreen is killing the coral reefs!

hawaii oxybenzone toxic marine life coral reef

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