淨白活膚面膜粉 PROPOLIS Regenerative Clay Mask
Propolis 面膜泥注滿了珍貴罕見的成分,能達到美白、刺激細胞更新並清除皮膚雜質的功效,使臉部保持柔滑和光澤。
🔹 主成份分析🔹
Camu Camu 卡姆果 ➔ 含有極高維他命C 的果實,比檸檬高出56倍,對膠原蛋白的生產至關重要;
白薑黃 ➔ 美白價值高,促進血液循環。
野生生可可和香草豆 ➔ 含大量豐富礦物質和抗氧化劑。
🔸當濕潤的 Propolis 面膜泥在臉上慢慢變得乾燥時,一些用家會感到點點刺痛,但屬正常現象,乃因面膜正在替皮膚進行淨化,同時營養物亦注入到皮膚當中,為皮膚帶來新生命。
容量 | 150g
Purify your skin once each week for maximum health and beauty. PROPOLIS Regenerative Face Mask, used weekly, will help regenerate skin to reveal a brighter and more even complexion. You’ll love the subtle tingle as you feel the mask cleansing your skin of environmental impurities and other cosmetic residue. Commit to this important step in your ultimate skin care ritual.
An absolute miracle; full of rare and precious ingredients that stimulate cell renewal and rid the skin of impurities, leaving your face smooth and radiant. Camu camu is one of nature's highest sources of vitamin C, vital for the production of collagen. This weekly indulgence contains rare and skin-brightening white turmeric, spices that encourage blood flow to the surface of the skin, a massive dose of minerals, and the antioxidant-rich superfoods raw cacao and vanilla bean.
🔸Some experience a tingling sensation as Propolis dries. Skin is brought to new life as the mask purifies and deposits its nutrients into skin, though its intensity can vary day to day.
5.07 fl oz / 150 ml
French Green Clay, Kaolin Clay, Camu Camu*, Poolan Kilangu (White Turmeric), Raw Cacao*, Vanilla Bean*, Sweet Cinnamon*, Clove*, Red Alaea Salt*, Orange Peel*, Essential oil of: Frankincense
取兩茶匙面膜粉,一滴一滴地加水(可以全脂乳酪或野生蜂蜜*代替水),直至面膜攪拌至泥狀。 均勻塗抹於臉部。 待面膜變乾(約20分鐘後),用溫熱濕潤的毛巾輕輕拭去,並且沖洗乾淨。
PROPOLIS也可以用作定期去角質清潔泥,當時間不允許更長的面膜體驗時, 只需用少量乾粉加入等量的水於手中,輕輕按摩臉部,慢慢刺激血液流動並去除死皮細胞。一分鐘後沖洗乾淨。
H Is For Love 是一個美國高端有機品牌,產品成份獨特奢華 。
創辦人Bee Ham 很早便意識到化學毒素對於身體的傷害。她深信「Nature Is Enough」,大自然充滿恩澤與美麗,你可以在大自然母親找到所有對皮膚、身體有益的原材料。
Bee 於品牌創立伊始便堅持這個方針 —— 不一味追逐潮流,只使用優質奢華的有機天然成分,來研發突破性的高效保養護膚配方。
H Is For Love 的產品有機成分比例極高接近100%,不含任何有害化學物質,拒絕動物測試(Cruelty-Free),同時使用環保包裝。H Is For Love 為了支持小店業務,所有包裝紙張均來自當地小店的再生紙盒,做到全方位有機。
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