[新鮮抵港]珍萃靈芝藏紅花保濕液 ESPECIAL K TONING MIST


Khus + Khus 團隊採用全新高精準度的精華蒸餾法,萃取出各種珍貴藥材的精華,使用後讓肌膚重現光彩與青春,顯著透出精緻健康光澤。

🔹 主成份分析🔹

藏紅花  藏紅花每年只開花一次,然而它的花期卻難以預測!150朵藏紅花才能採摘到1g雌蕊,所以它是世界上彌足珍貴也是身價最高的香料之一,其雌蕊中特殊的活性成分,對重新啟動肌膚細胞的能量,以預防及改善皮膚彈性,有著驚人的效果。

靈芝   原來人類與蘑菇有著比植物更相似的DNA!靈芝這種被譽為「神菇、長生不老藥」的珍貴物種在亞洲應該無人不曉,它是一種高效抗壓、延緩衰老、抗炎排毒並且寧心安神的奇妙仙草;靈芝中的β-葡聚醣含量高,可刺激巨噬細胞活動,吞噬並消滅病原體。

保加利亞玫瑰 ➔ 為成熟、敏感、失去活力的肌膚補充水份。

SAFFRON | stem cells scientific research suggests that plant stem cells can slow the skin aging process by defending against extrinsic stress. High in phenolic compounds, gallic acid demonstrates high antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This is how we combat environmental skin stress, by providing the skin a protective plant molecule layer. 

REISHI MUSHROOM | stem cells contain moisture-binding properties to maximize epidermal hydration while stimulating collagen synthesis for optimal skin health benefits. 

BULGARIAN ROSE WATER | ecocert organic highly recommended in the herbal community as a hormone balancer, due to its action on the endocrine system. The nervous system also benefits from its calm and cooling actions. A humectant rose adds and retains moisture and is suitable for normal to dry, mature sensitive, and devitalized skin. 

容量 | 100 ml

適用膚質 |所有肌膚,尤其敏感 / 暗啞缺水 / 皮膚鬆弛缺彈性人士尤佳。

This special product assists in increasing hydration and enhancing firmness of the skin. Can apply throughout the day, spray directly on face,neck and chest or apply to cotton swab and apply evenly to areas.

*rosa damascena (rose damask), *hamamelis virginiana (with hazel), phospholipids, phytonadione, crocus sativus meristem cell extract, lactobacillus ganoderma lucidum (reishi mushroom extract) extract lentinus edodes (shiitake mushroom extract) ferment filtrate, citric acid, silver dihydrogen citrate(silver ion)

*denotes organic +sustainably wild harvested

  • 潔面後早晚使用,建議於面部半濕狀態時同時使用護膚油,可令精華油更吸收。


Kristi 深信天然草本力量能修復皮膚各樣問題。她用了5年,超過 2700 小時的時間,先後於 Alandi Ashram、the California College of Ayurveda、American Institute of Vedic Science,跟隨於該領域最頂尖的導師研習瑜伽,阿育吠陀科學及植物醫學療法。

Khus + Khus的產品配方以多種頂級草本成分,萃取出純淨高效的草本精華,加上簡潔的黑白包裝,品牌於 2016 年成立,短短一年已登上各大時尚及外國雜誌,包括 Vogue , New York Times, Well + Good, Byrdie , Refinery 29,深受生活品味人士愛戴。

產品採用無基因改造,99% 有機、100%天然頂級草木成分來製作。Khus + Khus 利用高端的紫色光學玻璃光子生物學技術(Miron Violet Glass) 來保鮮精華𥚃的珍貴成份,使產品不易變質。

Customer Reviews

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唔係一支水咁簡單, 香味好好聞, 仲要好保濕, 十分享受