Lucid 銀耳人蔘髮絲免洗修護霜 (超輕感配方) Lucid Leave-In Conditioning Hair Milk
Lohas 測試過最夢幻、最驚喜的免洗護髮素!
首賣 300 枝現貨一週內售罄!好評如潮。
Lucid 是一款輕盈透氣,但修復力超高的免洗護髮素,利用神奇的銀耳來為髮絲引入水分,並為秀髮留住水分和光澤;另外珍貴人參成份也為頭髮提供足夠營養支援。
主打成份「銀耳」(即很多人常吃的補品「雪耳」)的水分含量是其重量的 500 倍!通常用於護膚品中,而 Lucid 是首款革命性產品,將 銀耳跨入護髮品中。銀耳還可以作為「矽」的天然替代品,在頭髮上形成一層薄薄的修護膜,讓您的秀髮視覺上絲滑、明亮。
店主使用短評 💜
生髮女皇某日突然寄左枝紫色野比我試,仲同我講紫色BB係零矽配方,效果絕對唔差得過我用開個枝!我好奇心返曬黎!同佢傾左成粒鐘電話,問清楚呢枝野係咩原理 ⋯
估都估唔到,紫色BB 嘅「秘密武器」,係銀耳!!即係平時女人會食嘅補品「雪耳」。配方首創利用銀耳護髮!為髮絲「引入」水分。因為「吸力」特強,能夠吸取豐富水分同營養、留住光澤;再注入珍貴人參精華強化髮絲靭度。
\ 電話另一端嘅 V 心入面已經尖叫中!/
\ 啊~~~太吸引了吧!/
紫色BB 輕盈透氣,但修復力超高!成個配方旨為頭髮增加健康光澤同韌度,同時又保留頭髮最自然狀態,唔會過份滋潤、黏膩,令秀髮失去飄逸感(呢一點對於香港氣候非常重要)!而最令我尖叫嘅係:紫色BB 護髮嘅持久力遠遠大拋離我之前用開個枝 hair cream!!!!😍 去到第二晚洗頭,頭髮仲係好順滑唔打kick!!!好神奇耶!!!✨
雪耳嘅水分含量係其重量嘅 500 倍!而紫色BB係首款革命性產品將銀耳跨入護髮品中,作為「矽」嘅天然替代物,於頭髮上形成修護膜,令秀髮觸感倍感絲滑,視覺上更明亮!💇🏻♀️✨
紫色BB 堪稱為 Lohas 測試過最夢幻、最驚喜嘅免洗護髮素。
✔ 配方零香料
✔ 已通過皮膚科醫生測試
✔ 配方獲毛髮學家認可
店主使用心得 💜
The dreamiest leave-in conditioner, powered by shrooms.
Lucid is a light, airy leave-in conditioner that uses the power of tremella mushroom to introduce and lock in moisture and sheen; and ginseng for scalp and hair support while you style.
Lucid adds strength and shine, while retaining the hair's natural pattern. Tremella mushroom, which holds 500x its weight in moisture, is typically used in skincare, and Lucid is the first-ever product crossing over this ingredient into haircare. Tremella also acts as a natural alternative to silicone, forming a light film over the hair, leaving your tresses silky and shiny.
Fragrance-free. Dermatologist-tested, trichologist-approved.
[REMARK] LADY LOHAS 為 LUNA NECTAR 港、澳獨家代理商以及產品批發商。
All-natural, Leaping Bunny certified Vegan & Cruelty-Free, dermatologically-tested.
Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice, Adansonia Digitata (Baobab) Seed Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Polyquaternium 37, Propanediol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, D-Glucitol (Sorbitol), Tremella Fuciformis (Snow Mushroom), Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Vegetable Glycerin, Lactobacillus, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate, Citric Acid
- 每晚洗髮後,輕輕擦乾濕漉頭髮,以梳子梳順秀髮。
- 在濕髮情況下,把 LUCID 塗抹在頭髮中下部分。
- 吹乾頭髮即可。
- 不用塗抹於髮根或頭皮。
- 及肩直髮 / 卷髮:1 泵
- 正常電染 / 偏乾髮質: 1 泵
- 超長直髮 / 卷髮:2 泵
- 長期漂染、嚴重受損: 2 泵
- 天然卷髮量多:2 泵

One summer, my sister came home during the school break with suddenly mile-long fluttery eyelashes. How did that happen, I wondered. And how can I get lashes like yours? We share the same DNA!
At first she played coy, but then she let me in on her secret: a hormone-based chemical serum in which the active ingredient was a compound made of medication for glaucoma issues. This cost all of her allowance and then some, every 2 months. It didn't matter that this serum stung her eyes and caused redness and eczema on her eyelids from time to time; she was hooked. I was shocked. And even more shocked when after prolonged use, her lashes fell out in clumps at a time, leaving spaces in her lashline.
Our team created this all-natural lash and brow enhancing formula after seeing family members and friends use these types of chemical serums and eyelash extensions that came with harmful side effects. There was a void in the market where existing lash serums and wellness products were either full of chemicals, very overpriced, or some claiming to be completely natural, when in fact they were not.
At a young age, I suffered from many allergies, skin conditions, and constant fatigue. Growing up in a household that emphasized Eastern herbal medicine and the connections between diet, mind, exercise, and physical appearance, I was able to heal my maladies with these techniques. I spent much of my time hidden away in the kitchen as a child mixing up my own all-natural skincare concoctions. As I grew up, those habits were forgotten in place of a hectic lifestyle. After it all reached a boiling point, I found myself revisiting holistic health in search of authenticity and deeper fulfillment, and it was a natural step to take the leap into creating green solutions. I wanted all women to feel that they could take control of their own well-being, appearance and spirit, and feel confident by nourishing themselves with natural remedies and mindfulness.
Our mission goes beyond skincare. We're founded on the principle of a streamlined back-to-the-roots lifestyle while maintaining quality and authenticity. We cherish minimalism and outspokenness. We love uncomplicated yet effective rituals. We strive to empower appreciation of inner beauty and strength, while providing natural solutions to enhance and radiate.
- Mia
Founder, Luna Nectar
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