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[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir
[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir
[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir
[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir
[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir
[即將回歸] 彈潤青春美顏油 ILLUME Nix-Retinol Youth Elixir


Opps! 不好意思暫時售罄了!

含100% 從新鮮特級初榨橄欖油中提取的角鯊烷,配合控油消炎的有機大麻籽油(不含CBD)及保濕力強的白芒花籽油,有效軟化角質,令肌膚更柔軟,減少出油狀況,同時改善皮膚亮度及膚色。加上星級抗老新星 Bakuchiol 「補骨脂酚」,是近年歐美有機大牌頭號力捧的「抗老去皺」成分!連匈牙利高端護膚品牌 Omorovicza 以及深得荷李活女星、名媛青睞的 Ole Henriksen 產品中,都有 Bakuchiol 的華麗身影。
    • 通過皮膚科醫學測試,敏感肌適用
    • 素食人士適用 
    • 紐西蘭製造
    • 孕婦、哺乳媽媽也可安全使用。

llume Facial Oil is an anti-ageing + anti-breakout oil serum. Made with Bakuchiol to mimic retinol without the negative impacts (redness, dryness, sun sensitivity). Paired with Squalane to moisturise and Organic Hemp Seed Oil to soothe inflammation, making Illume oil ideal for dry, sensitive & breakout-prone skin.


Bakuchiol is a natural alternative to retinol. It boosts collagen and cell turnover, reducing scarring and breakouts.

Squalane, a naturally-occurring anti-aging component of the skin, moisturises and balances oil production

Organic hemp seed oil locks in moisture and soothes inflammation.

✅ Cruelty-Free & Vegan
✅ Naturally Sourced Ingredients
✅ Ethically Made in New Zealand

    容量 | 30ml

    主成份 | 100% 橄欖角鯊烷、大麻籽油、白芒花籽油

    適用膚質 | 初老肌膚、混合肌、內乾外油、油肌。

    Olive Squalane, Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil, Silybum Marianum Ethyl Ester, LimnanthesAlba (meadowfoam) Seed, Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba), Bakuchiol, Bisabolol, Tocopherol (vitamin E), Boswellia Carteri (frankincense) Oil (and) Jasminumocinale (Jasmine) Oil.

    • 早晚爽膚後,取1-2泵 ILLUME 
    • 均勻塗抹於臉上、頸部,並待其完全吸收
    • ILLUME 可取代面霜,或再使用 HYDRATE 零油配方深層保濕啫喱加強肌膚保濕度及鎖水力
    Tailor Skincare NewZealand 紐西蘭 護膚品 美白粉 益生菌精華 保濕精華 香港有機護膚品


    2012年,Tailor Skinacre 正式面世,Tailor 團隊善用天然成分製作優質產品,塑造健康均衡的肌膚。 品牌致力推翻美容界的欺騙行為:由於越來越多消費者誤信浮誇不實的廣告,對護膚品牌不再抱有信心,這些品牌的口號和承諾往往無法真正實現,甚至與現實背道而馳。

    Tailor 決定引領大眾主宰自己的肌膚健康,讓安他們心購買品質優良、高效的護膚品。短短數年時間,Tailor 獲得了一系列行業獎項,並進駐了紐西蘭兩大零售商Farmers and Life Pharmacy,深得紐西蘭國民的喜愛。


    Tailor 相信「美」與正念、自愛、自信和日常自我保健息息相關,使用它們的產品,將為您的皮膚和健康帶來最良好的效果。 Tailor 產品通過科學驗證,創造濃縮、高活性成分的護膚品。每種配方都精確混合,成分天然、無殘留,適合各個年齡段、每種皮膚使用。

    “你的皮膚於每個季節,每個月,每天都在變化,所以我們策劃了完善的護膚系列,讓你的皮膚能適應各種環境。” Tailor 致力提高品牌透明度,讓顧客了解其各個方面的誠信和真實性。他們100% 透露產品全成分、包裝和來源,並教授顧客相關的美容知識,讓閣下為自己的皮膚作出最佳選擇。


    “我們致力於無動物測試!” 並盡可能使用可生物降解和可回收的包裝,以確保品牌對地球的傷害減至最小。 2017年,品牌創立了The Tailor Fund,每週都會把部分收入用作支持和推廣紐西蘭國民的mental health and wellbeing發展。

    來自 Tailor 的承諾

    *採用100% 源於天然、有益於皮膚的成分。



    Our Founding Principles

    • 100% Natural quality ingredients which are beneficial to the skin, we always use ingredients derived from and found in nature.

    • Cruelty Free we never test on animals (our range is also vegan).

    • Eco Conscious our products are packaged in biodegradable and recyclable packaging where possible.

    We’re all different, and at Tailor we know this. 
    We offer you bespoke skin and beauty solutions, tailored (wink) to your skin’s unique needs.   
    We manufacture our formulas and package our products right here in NZ. 
    We use NZ made card packaging and courier boxes (made using recycled materials).

    In 2017, the Tailor Fund was established to help give back even more. 
    Now a percentage of all profits go to supporting those who are working to create a stronger more sustainable community, self confidence and a brighter future for some of the less fortunate in this world.

    How Tailor got started, let us take you back...

    In sunny California 2012 a kiwi girl called Sara Quilter was studying new and emerging trends in the organic horticulture industry. 
    Because of her research, Sara began questioning all of the synthetic chemicals she was exposing herself to on a day-to-day basis – particularly in her skincare products. 
    Sara discovered that many of the synthetic ingredients in her regular skincare products were shown to have some pretty nasty side effects. 
    Sara wasn’t happy simply switching to a ‘certified natural’ product and calling it a day. 
    She needed to know each ingredient that was in a formula, where it came from, and why. 
    Heading back home to Taranaki, Sara set up production in her father’s workshop with a Kenwood cake mixer, a bag of clay and a gigantic mission: 

    To make nourishing, healthy and effective skincare products with all natural ingredients. 

    The rest is history, glow well,

    The Tailor Team xx

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