[預購結束!] 完美眼周精華油 CALME Under Eye + Fine Line Serum
- 品牌將於接收樂活的預訂後才開始生產,
- 請耐心等待!
- 每次小批量美國新鮮製造,成分100%源自有機農場。
摩洛哥堅果油 ➔ 與人體皮膚水脂膜的組成相近!可輕易撫平眼尾皺紋,減淡眼下細紋,提升眼周肌膚彈性。
玫瑰果(超臨界二氧化碳萃取法)➔ 蘊含超豐富脂肪酸, 修復受損皮膚細胞並促進其生長,淡化眼周色素,提亮膚色。
檀香 ➔ 增強肌膚彈性、緊緻皮膚、平復疤痕、消炎去浮腫。
容量 | 10ml
Limited Edition
Soothe and calm the delicate skin around your eyes with this cooling roll-on bottle with glass roller. CALME has a gentle formula that’s full of skin-loving fatty acids, vitamins, and omegas. CALME will protect the skin’s barrier and remind you to slow down and take time for you.
For a little extra cooling keep it in your fridge and create a nightly ritual of looking into the mirror and saying “I love you” as you slowly roll it from underneath the center brow to the outer corner, then complete the ½ moon shape under the eye. Use your finger to gently press serum into the skin. The warmth from your fingers will encourage blood to the surface of the skin so take your time and breathe deeply.
100% organic with
Borage Oil*, Argan Oil*, Rosehip Seed CO2*, and Sandalwood*
- 將滾輪從眉毛中心下方慢慢滾動到外角,然後在眉毛下完成1 /2 月亮形狀。
- 如欲獲得更好的去浮腫效果,可將其放在雪櫃中,使用時取出。
H Is For Love 是一個美國高端有機品牌,產品成份獨特奢華 。
創辦人Bee Ham 很早便意識到化學毒素對於身體的傷害。她深信「Nature Is Enough」,大自然充滿恩澤與美麗,你可以在大自然母親找到所有對皮膚、身體有益的原材料。
Bee 於品牌創立伊始便堅持這個方針 —— 不一味追逐潮流,只使用優質奢華的有機天然成分,來研發突破性的高效保養護膚配方。
H Is For Love 的產品有機成分比例極高接近100%,不含任何有害化學物質,拒絕動物測試(Cruelty-Free),同時使用環保包裝。H Is For Love 為了支持小店業務,所有包裝紙張均來自當地小店的再生紙盒,做到全方位有機。
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