[2月中上旬抵港] 佛手柑草本育髮防脫噴霧 Essential Scalp Spray

原來頭皮老化速度是身體皮膚的12倍!Holistic Hair 致力維護頭皮健康,改寫因頭皮老化、環境污染所帶來的各種問題,平滑和調理角質層同時提昇秀髮自身光澤!
- 頭皮泛紅瘙癢、炎症
- 頭油過多
- 嚴重頭皮屑
- 髮絲幼弱扁塌
- 脫髮問題
Holistic Hair 為:
- 紐西蘭80家連鎖美髮沙龍 Vivo Hair Salon 合作品牌;
- 在台灣擁超過60家分店的精緻連鎖沙龍 HAPPY HAIR SALON 合作品牌;
- 昆凌御用髮型師、兼台灣Mpalace 沙龍創意總監 Miyake 的推薦品牌!
蘋果提取 ➔ 富含蛋白質、澱粉、糖、酸、維生素、鹽、糖(主要是果糖,葡萄糖,蔗糖),蘋果果實提取物具良好的保濕和柔滑特性,而酸(主要是蘋果酸和沒食子酸)則具有溫和去角質功效,同時具抗菌性能。
薰衣草 ➔ 亮澤髮絲,同時具抗菌特性:可舒緩頭皮痕癢,並有助控制頭皮屑。《BMC Detmatology》 於 2011年發表研究論文指出,薰衣草精油有助預防甚至消滅頭蝨。
- 刺激性合成成分
- 矽
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯
- 乙醇胺化合物
- 甲醛
- 石油及其衍生品
- 鄰苯二甲酸酯 Phthalates
- 硫酸鹽 Sodium & Ammonium Lauryl & Laureth Sulfates
- 丙二醇 Propylene Glycol
- 1,4二噁烷 1,4 Dioxane
- 苯氧乙醇 Phenoxyethanol
產地 | 紐西蘭
保質期 | 3年
A complex blend of herbs and botanicals offering support for normal hair health. Revitalising properties of Rosemary and Bergamot encourage circulation to the follicles. Neroli from the blossom of the bitter orange tree and aromatic Lavender alleviate dryness and calm the scalp.
Product Benefits
- Encourages circulation to the hair follicles
- Supports normal hair health
- Minimises hair fall
- Calms & soothes the scalp
- Controls dandruff
- Powerful antioxidants reduce oxidative stress
- Reduces itching and oiliness
- Leaves the scalp feeling refreshed
Key Ingredients
- Bergamot
- Lemon
- Lime
- Orange
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Neroli
Suitable for
- Men & Women
- Encouraging Scalp Circulation
- Supporting Normal Hair Health
Free from
- Irritating Synthetic Ingredients
- Silicones
- Parabens
- Ethanolamine Compounds
- Formaldehyde Releasers
- Petroleum & Derivatives
- Phthalates
- Sodium & Ammonium Lauryl & Laureth Sulfates
- Propylene Glycol
- 1,4 Dioxane
- Phenoxyethanol
- 99。25% 天然成分來源
- 100% 無添加任何有害化學成分
- 無動物測試!
- 素食人士適用
- 乾 / 濕髮適用皆可。

Brand Introduction
Holistic Hair is a premium natural hair care brand made in New Zealand. Founded by a Trichologist and Hair Stylist, the products offer innovative, safe and effective solutions utilising aromatherapy principles and ingredients obtained from nature, primarily plant carrier & essential oils, butters and extracts. The range consists of cleansing, conditioning, extra care and styling products in beautiful eco-friendly packaging.
Brand Philosophy
The word ‘Holistic’ in the brand name was carefully chosen and today, remains a core philosophy of the company. The concept of holistic health underpins every aspect of product development from the perspective that the physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of a person's life should be viewed as a whole. Holistic Hair believe in the symbiotic relationship of inner health and well-being to outer beauty.
In keeping with our holistic philosophy, natural and naturally derived ingredients are core to each of the formulations in the product range. Priority is given to plant-based ingredients, from sustainable resources that are biodegradable and provide beneficial properties to our formulations. We carefully research and source our ingredients both locally and internationally from partners and suppliers who uphold our values in quality, traceability and ethical practices. Our products are free from irritating synthetic ingredients, Silicones, Parabens, Ethanolamine Compounds (MEA, DEA, TEA & others), Formaldehyde Releasers, Petroleum & Derivatives, Phthalates, Sodium & Ammonium Lauryl & Laureth Sulfates, Propylene Glycol, 1,4 Dioxane & Phenoxyethanol, to name a few. In developing premium hair care we strive to achieve the highest possible natural origin status in every product, however, due to the scarcity of natural preservatives and for product safety & stability we sometimes use nature identical ingredients in minimal amounts to preserve our products.
Holistic Hair is a member of Cosmetics New Zealand an organisation that demands ethical standards and compliance with all relevant legislation. In creating specialist hair care products, it is a requirement to ensure the safety of a product before it goes to market. Holistic Hair have processes in place to ensure every ingredient is checked for safety and the final product has been trialed before it reaches the shelves.
Company Mission and Values
A pioneer in the naturals market the company’s mission is to continue innovating and developing leading-edge natural hair care, for today’s health and wellbeing conscious consumer. We will actively assist in the preservation of our planet by reducing, reusing and recycling. Partners and suppliers to the brand must uphold Holistic Hair® values in fair trade, human rights, transparency, accountability and traceability of ingredients sourced from sustainably managed crops that have minimal impact on the environment. We advocate cruelty-free and are proud to manufacture in New Zealand, a country that prohibits testing on animals.
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