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「花序身體絲絨油」是 KYPRIS 獻給用家們既奢華且私密的體膚享受,致力將閣下身體上每一寸肌膚變回細皮嫩肉!

香味柔然舒服,如用文字形容,就似「晨光熹微下嘅清草柑橘香」,被這種清香包裹全身,感覺高貴、持久而不落俗;Outlook Design 亦正中我審美!寶石綠玻璃瓶身印有白蕾絲花紋,性感優雅,實物手感精緻 ~ 產品標榜頂級抗老效果,配方四季適用無油膩感,能瞬間滲透皮膚,精華一滴不漏地封入肌膚,長效淡化皺紋乾紋

美國多間五星級奢華酒店和度假村(如美國四季酒店、比華利Carasoin )都採用Kypris Beauty 品牌旗下的高端護膚產品為客人提供Day Spa 服務。


白鳶尾葉細胞提取 ➪ 令皮膚摸落更滑溜、更年輕嘅主成分:具多種抗衰老作用:刺激真皮緻密化、膠原蛋白形成、刺激表皮健康新細胞生長,增加皮膚柔軟度,改善皮膚彈性;同時減少分解膠原蛋白嘅「酶」,變相減少細紋、皺紋。

桃花心木脂 ➪ 對抗皮膚老化,修復乾燥龜裂肌,改善彈性,令肌膚柔嫩水潤。不油膩,易吸收,適合所有膚質。

甜橙皮提取 ➪ 防止水分流失,改善粗糙。

生育酚 ➪ 促進肌膚新陳代謝,延緩肌膚老化速度 ,淡化細紋

仙人掌果 ➪ 含有高濃度的人體所需的18種氨基酸和多種微量元素,具有加速傷口愈合、使皮膚更加柔軟細膩、防止皮膚乾燥、減少皺紋等神奇的功效

辣木籽油 ➪ 又被稱為「奇蹟之樹」,含高達70% 與人體相近嘅油酸、維他命A、E以及不飽和脂肪酸,有效軟化表皮細胞,令皮膚恢復軟滑質感。

瓊崖海棠油 ➪ 加速皮膚組織更新,修復痤瘡疤痕;減少炎症,迅速緩解刺激

向日葵混合油 ➪ 供豐富脂肪酸、β-胡蘿蔔素

容量 Size | 100 mL / 3.38 oz

適用膚質 |任何肌膚,尤其乾燥、成熟、初老肌

KYPRIS Body Elixir: Inflorescence is a non-greasy, multi-functional body oil designed with a potency typically reserved for facial care and 12 of the most nurturing organic, wild crafted, and co-op grown botanicals blended with the aromatherapy of Neroli and Sweet Orange.

Featured Ingredients

*NEROLI & SWEET ORANGE Uplifting fruit and flower essential oils kiss skin with the magic of an eternal Spring’s Inflorescence.

*SUNFLOWER These local, organic heliotropes deliver a wealth of fatty acids and beta carotene.

*TAMANU A sumptuous botanical oil organically grown and harvested by a co-op in French Polynesia.

*PRICKLY PEAR Wild crafted from the Arizona high desert and the result of a 3+ year collaboration with a wild crafting group, our organic, wild crafted Prickly Pear seed oil is a unique wealth of amino acids and vitamin E that soothes the appearance of stressed and tired skin.

Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil, Limonene, Calophyllum Inophyllum (Tamanu) Seed Oil, Citrus Sinensis (Sweet Orange) Peel Extract, Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil, Iris Pallida Leaf Cell Extract, Tocopherol, Opuntia Ficus-Indica (Prickly Pear) Seed Oil, Trichilia Emetica (Mafura) Seed Butter, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Neroli) Flower Oil, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Stearyl Glycyrrhetinate, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Linalool, Farnesol, Geraniol, Citral (Non GMO)
  • 可用於任何鬆弛、乾燥、脫皮、成熟肌膚。
  • 用法一:把適量 Body Elixir 混合至你喜愛的 Body Lotion 當中,全身塗抹至完全吸收, 享受雙手撫摸柔嫩肌膚美妙感覺。
  • 用法二:沐浴後,從四肢開始將約 0.5 - 1 瓶蓋 Body Elixir 塗抹在您的皮膚上,然後按摩至您的心臟,享受雙手撫摸柔嫩肌膚美妙感覺。
  • 僅限於外用。
  • Apply a small puddle of Body Elixir to your skin beginning at your extremities and massage towards your heart. Enjoy the delicious sensation of your hands touching your beautiful skin. For external use only.

    KYPRIS 以草本醫學為基礎,透過尖端科學,精準的研發出確實有效的新一代植萃保養。
    KYPRIS is a luxurious line of high-performance, holistic skin care boasting organic, wild-crafted, and sustainably grown botanicals blended with the best of green biotechnology for gorgeous skin and an ecstatic experience of your divinely unique Beauty and Being.

    KYPRIS is GOLD certified by the US Green Business Association, California Prop 65 Compliant, a member of LOHASIA, a member of The Green Spa Network, and the Global Wellness Institute.

    All formulations are natural and nature-derived, powered by the best of traditional techniques and natural science, packaged in glass, and never tested on animals. Formulas are either intended to be scent-neutral or include fragrant essential oils and plant extracts for aromatherapeutic benefit, never synthetic fragrance materials.

    In addition, we use beautiful clinically validated actives such as liposome-encapsulated vitamins and herbal constituents, biomimetic peptides, bioidentical antioxidants, and plant stem cell technologies across our range.

    KYPRIS can be found in select five-star properties like Ojai Valley Inn and Spa, Omni La Costa, Civana, and select Four Seasons. Kypris also partner with corporate retailers in 15 countries like Forty Five Ten, Nordstrom (24 locations), Credo Beauty, Galeries Lafayette, and high-end med & day spas like Carasoin (Beverly Hills).


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    shan choi

    呢枝body oil除咗用完身體好滑滑好柔軟之外,仲好香好香好香,好似做咗Spa咁,可以好放鬆心情同舒緩到壓力,勁鍾意!


    夏天用黎溝body cream都唔會太立

    A luxurious treat for skin

    I have been using different body oils but the Kypris body elixir surpassed all the expectations. It does not clog pores, smooths out skin texture and makes it baby soft.


    沖完涼溝body lotion用,陣味好relax,皮膚變得好柔軟,夠潤又唔立。


    將kypris body elixir溝body lotion搽身體有好明顯分別,搽完摸落皮膚係軟滑好多,通常會係沖涼後溝落body lotion搽身體。