[3月中下旬抵港] 高級芳體精油磨砂(佛手柑、香根草、秘魯香脂)LIN Purifying Body Scrub
只能是 LIN Body Scrub 的氣味了!」
透過 LIN 的超溫柔配方,促進每寸肌膚血液循環,去除多餘的死皮細胞、分解雜質,展露新肌。 LIN - LINEN 的法文,以世界上最耐用、最實用的材料之一命名。亞麻的質感與 LIN 相似。隨著持續使用和洗滌,亞麻能成為最柔軟的面料之一。同樣,當經常使用 LIN 時,您的自身皮膚會變得光滑,柔軟細緻得令人無法抗拒。
公平貿易認證的非轉基因有機蔗糖 ➔ 蔗糖具高效保濕、滋潤功效,為乾燥肌築起保護膜,保護脆弱無光澤的疲勞肌
有機榛子油 ➔ 含豐富油酸,是人體皮膚重要的脂肪酸之一,同能幫助收斂油性肌膚,修復受損細胞,促進粗糙皮膚再生,亦能舒緩皮膚敏感;質感柔滑,非常適合按摩護理。
佛手柑 ➔ 紓解疲勞、減緩壓力、活膚提神、安定神經系統。
香根草 ➔ 本產品香味最獨特之處莫過於添加了香根草基調,芳香迷人順心,尤其適合乾性、敏感和脫水皮膚問題,更有助淡化皺紋和斑,收斂肌膚,平衡油脂、美化皮膚色澤。
秘魯香脂 ➔ 抗菌能力佳,能加速肌膚傷口癒合,保濕鎖水。
容量 | 8.45 fl oz / 250 ml
Unlock the secret to soft, supple skin that glows with youthful vitality when you use LIN Purifying Skin Scrub. Through gentle exfoliating that will not cause micro abrasions that damage the skin, blood flow is stimulated and your skin is able to do what it was designed to do naturally – get rid of dead skin cells to reveal newly formed skin cells and break up impurities that can become lodged beneath the skin’s surface.
LIN - French for LINEN, and named after one of the most durable and useful materials in the world. The slubby texture of linen is similar to that of LIN. With continued use and washing, linen becomes one of the softest fabrics available. Similarly, when LIN is used often, your own skin becomes irresistibly smooth.
Body scrubs are plentiful in the beauty world. We chose to put extra care into LIN to ensure that it retains its shape whilst remaining soft to the touch. We wanted a scrub that wouldn't be oily, where the sugar would stay in one place, and that would feel and smell like absolute heaven. This whipped mousse-like scrub was made to purify your skin in preparation for the application of KINU. The scent of LIN has been designed to act as the perfect base note upon which KINU can be layered. Gorgeous Indian vetiver, uplifting bergamot, and sweet warm Peru balsam lay the foundation, and will have you reaching for your jar just to take a whiff every time you walk by the bath.
8.45 fl oz / 250 ml
Fair trade certified Non-GMO Cane Sugar*, Coconut oil*, Shea butter*, Hazelnut oil*, Mixed Tocopherols (Non-GMO Vitamin E), Essential oils of : Bergamot FCF*, Vetiver*, Peru Balsam *Certified Organic
全身按摩後,加入你最愛的沐浴露,作為沐浴儀式的最後一步,以打圈的方式將 LIN 按摩到每寸肢體上,把配方內的蔗糖、精油覆蓋身體的每一寸。
沐浴後,塗上你最愛的身體乳霜 / 精華,這個過程會讓你的皮膚進一步建構絲綢般柔軟的質地!
H Is For Love 是一個美國高端有機品牌,產品成份獨特奢華 。
創辦人Bee Ham 很早便意識到化學毒素對於身體的傷害。她深信「Nature Is Enough」,大自然充滿恩澤與美麗,你可以在大自然母親找到所有對皮膚、身體有益的原材料。
Bee 於品牌創立伊始便堅持這個方針 —— 不一味追逐潮流,只使用優質奢華的有機天然成分,來研發突破性的高效保養護膚配方。
H Is For Love 的產品有機成分比例極高接近100%,不含任何有害化學物質,拒絕動物測試(Cruelty-Free),同時使用環保包裝。H Is For Love 為了支持小店業務,所有包裝紙張均來自當地小店的再生紙盒,做到全方位有機。
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