【瘦臉神器】 白松石美容棒 Slim & Firm White Turquoise Beauty Wand
由SkinOwl 獨家呈獻,LOHAS 實測的 100%天然白松石瘦臉魔杖。在按摩皮膚同時,具有卓越的拉提、緊膚、去水腫、去浮腫效果!
日常配合SkinOwl Beauty Drops 養膚油按摩眼周、臉部,可排除淋巴毒素、減少水腫、改善血液循環及膚色 ~ 皮膚拉提效果非常顯著!
【瘦 臉 神 器 教 學】
Introducing a skin and soul stimulating wand intended to alleviate tension, mitigate undereye puffiness, and increasing collagen production by stimulating the soft tissue of the face. Kickstart the removal of excess water and toxins, made of 100% rare White Turquoise. Start at the chin, and wiggle horizontally out to the hairline. Pressure should be light and comfortable on the skin. Move up to the nose, and wiggle from the corner of the nose out towards the ears. Use the small end of the jade roller, and place it in the inner corner of the eye. Wiggle out toward the temples. Place the wand on the eyebrows, and wiggle downwards, ending at the temples. Wiggle from the eyebrows upwards to the hairline, moving across the forehead.
Howlite is a stone that can effectively calm your upset or harried state of mind. The energies of Howlite will strengthen your positive character traits. Your strengths will be your driving force, and your weaknesses will be your inspiration to become better. The perfect stone to mitigate stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, and keep you headed in the right direction without distraction. Made of 100% White Turquoise, also known as Howlite.
成分 | 100% 天然白松石
適用膚質 | 浮腫、鬆弛、疲倦缺乏彈性的肌膚。
SkinOwl 為美國洛杉磯的全天然護膚品牌,只採用優質原產地天然材料,並需同時符合美國可持續發展收割天然資源的標準。
SkinOwl 創辦人 Annie Tevelin 原本是一名專業化妝師,經常參與各大藝人、MV拍攝,及品牌化妝工作。可惜她備受暗瘡困擾, 在市面上遍尋良方不果, 故決定到 UCLA 再進修化妝品化學課程 ,調製適合自己的護膚品,最後成立了SkinOwl, 為人解決暗瘡和各種肌膚問題!
SkinOwl 堅持只採用高品質原產地精油, 認為這樣才能真正發揮香薰療法的功效。 Annie 希望她的產品,只需一晚,即能為使用者膚質帶來顯著的改善。
時尚圈從不乏貴價大牌,但 SkinOwl 的顯著功效使其亦不乏時尚圈支持者,英國超模Jourdan dunn、荷里活女星 Kourtney Kardashian 亦曾公開推介 SkinOwl 。
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