舒爽活性碳止汗滾珠 Roll On Deodorant with Activated Charcoal
- 濕臭絕跡!強力有效的「腋臭終結者」:
- 經本店特選止汗劑常用客戶群組反覆驗證!
- 精良配方絕不含可致癌「鋁鹽」- 全效保護、防臭達18小時以上!
- 加入淨味軍師「活性碳」,迅速分解惡臭。
- 低調尤加利香味
傳統鋁鹽止汗配方 VS Noosa Basics 排毒防臭配方
Noosa Basics 配方絕不靠傳統運用鋁鹽「堵塞小汗腺」的方法阻止皮膚排汗,反而在平衡汗水同時容許皮膚正常排汗,並且釋放體內毒素!利用純天然小蘇打以及植物配方殺死引起異味的細菌;再加入活性碳迅速分解惡臭,消弭令人難以接近的體味!
新鮮手工精製 有機認證成分
如果你正在使用傳統鋁鹽止汗產品,卻又擔心潛在健康風險,創辦人誠意邀請有汗臭、腋臭問題的你體驗神奇的 Noosa Basics,給予身體數星期時間清除毒素,並適應我們的無鋁配方!絕對會給你意想不到的驚喜!
Noosa Basics 止汗系列在澳洲 Noosa 每星期新鮮手工製作,嚴選有機認證成分,適合所有膚質使用,而且長效超卓。
- 可立即中和腋下異味並吸收濕氣,除臭力達18小時以上
- 有機認證成分,百份百純素配方
- 清爽易用滾珠式設計
- 拒絕殘忍動物測試
- 不致敏配方
- 不含爭議毒性成分包括:鋁、有害防腐劑、對羥基苯甲酸酯、鄰苯二甲酸鹽,丙二醇等
- 盧薈配方,蘊含強勁保濕成份,能滋潤肌膚
- 多種自然清新氣味,絕無人工合成香精
- 澳洲製造
Formulated with easy to understand ingredients, effective at neutralising odours instantly and keeping you fresh all day!
- While our deodorant has antiperspirant qualities, we can't call it one because we never use aluminium or parabens (ingredients required to be labelled an "antiperspirant"), which have been linked to diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.
- If switching from an antiperspirant, give your body a couple weeks to cleanse out toxins and adjust to our aluminium-free formula.
Ingredients: Aloe Vera Juice*, Sunflower Oil*, Virgin Coconut Oil*, Tapioca Starch*, Bi-Carb Soda*, Witch Hazel*, Kaolin Clay, Gluconolactone, Sodium benzoate, Xanthan Vegetable Gum, Activated Charcoal, Essential Oil Blend of Rosemary*, Eucalyptus*, Peppermint*, Tea Tree* and Coconut Scent*.
*Certified Organic Ingredients
Organic Tapioca and Australian Kaolin Clay absorbs the moisture while allow you to sweat and release toxins. Baking soda instantly kills the bacteria that causes odour. Shea butter nourish your skin and Organic Coconut oil is well known for its antibacterial properties.
- 使用前搖勻
- 溫柔、少量地塗抹在潔淨的腋窩表面
- 警告:每次使用只能塗抹少量,待乾後才穿衣,切勿塗抹於受損、脆弱皮膚
- 含有機收成小蘇打,使用過量可能會造成擦傷,不宜使用過量
Noosa Basics is a small batch apothecary located in Noosa-Australia where we manufacture natural and organic personal care products.
All products are certified Vegan, Cruelty free and Palm oil free. We only use highest quality botanical ingredients and do not add any additives, fillers or thickeners. Whenever possible we offer plastic free packaging options and actively support ocean cleanup initiatives.
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