
本月新品速遞!Aleavia ❝玫瑰益生元抗污染噴霧❞ 華麗登場!
Aleavia 粉絲大福音!!!

原版 vs 玫瑰版聖水
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❝玫瑰益生元抗污染噴霧❞ 同原版 ❝益生元舒緩修復噴霧❞ 一樣

經過幾番爭取!!!Aleavia 終於聽到我地訴求,出有香味嘅版本喇!!
(有睇我地之前兩個 live 都應該聽過 Reo 評價:哇我估唔到佢係堅玫瑰味!!!!)
(但本身對玫瑰無感 / 大愛原版嘅靚靚,放心!皇牌原味版本繼續存在!)
玫瑰聖水秉承 Aleavia 配方獨門技術(僅採用來自陸地加海洋上嘅最優質成分),首先將專有嘅益生元基質 + 益生元濃度比沐浴露強10+倍嘅阿卡迪亞海藻相結合,培育皮膚上面嘅有益微生物群。


  • 敏感肌膚(尤其:濕疹、紅斑狼瘡、牛皮癬或乾燥症狀)
  • 痘痘肌

創辦人 Doug 分享:玫瑰聖水有好多功效!抗衰老方面仲 level up 添!

❝ 佢可以促進膠原蛋白再生,致力於修復因年齡增長、空氣及環境污染、化學物質所造成嘅皮膚傷害。


  • 為肌膚補充水分同時有效平衡肌膚 pH 值;
  • 具有抗炎特性,可減少皮膚發紅或發炎;
  • 有助於治療痤瘡、皮膚炎和濕疹;
  • 具抗氧化和豐盈功效;
  • 舒解紫外線為肌膚帶來的壓力;
  • 有助於改善膚色並提亮眼周色素;
  • 豐盈細紋;
  • 非常適合成熟肌膚,有助於減少皺紋;
  • 有助於強化肌膚屏障。


  • 100% 天然純淨、無毒、不含基因改造成分
  • 不含化學物質和對羥基苯甲酸酯
  • 不含化學香料和染料
  • 不含動物副產品
  • 純素食且零殘忍




  • 修復皮膚屏障,加強皮膚的免疫反應
  • 改善皮膚各種問題症狀,包括濕疹、敏感、玫瑰痤瘡及牛皮癬、痘痘、粉刺等。
  • 抑制有害細菌,防止炎症的發生
  • 構建膠原蛋白,減緩衰老


✦Aleavia 益生元革命性護理系列、益生元抗痘調理系列兩配方已於 2023年合而為一!✦

二神合體之後,大家買一枝看門口就夠曬! ✅


  • 益生元賦活潔面啫喱  Purifying Facial Cleanse ( 8oz )
  • 玫瑰益生元抗污染噴霧 Rose Water Luxe Mist ( 4oz )  


  • 針對敏感、濕疹、玫瑰痤瘡、牛皮癬等;
  • 暗瘡、粉刺、黑頭。


Everything you need to find relief for Eczema, Rosacea, Psoriasis and premature aging in one set - The Rose Deluxe Prebiotic Skin Restoration Kit

Aleavia Purifying Facial Cleanse is a 100% natural, nontoxic, GMO-free facial cleanser that balances, nourishes, purifies and plumps your skin with moisture.

Unlike harsh cleansers, Aleavia Purifying Facial Cleanse gently removes impurities from the skin while supporting good bacteria, which are essential for cell regeneration.

When used together, Aleavia Rose Water Luxe Mist multiplies the effect of Aleavia Purifying Facial Cleanse. This calming spray stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms on a cellular level, providing deep, penetrating nourishment to all layers of your skin. It provides critical moisture while promoting collagen reproduction and working to restore the damage caused by age and everyday toxins.  


Rose Deluxe Prebiotic Skin Restoration Kit is:

  • 100% natural and organic
  • Non-toxic and GMO-free
  • Chemical- and paraben-free
  • Environmentally-friendly
  • Free of all fragrances and dyes
  • Safe for everyone in the family, even baby
  • Vegan
  • Always cruelty-free

Best uses for Aleavia Rose Deluxe Prebiotic Skin Restoration Kit

  • Stabilizing pH of the skin
  • Reducing fine lines
  • Removing all makeup, including waterproof makeup
  • Alleviating:
    • Rosacea
    • Psoriasis
    • Eczema
  • Reducing Spider Veins
  • Balancing facial pigmentation from hormone changes or sun exposure
  • To help reduce burns on the body or face
  • To help reduce fresh scars from surgery on the face or neck
  • 早晚用潔面啫喱清潔面部,打圈約30秒後可洗去。

  • 用乾淨毛巾抹乾皮膚,噴五至六下益生元噴霧於皮膚上。

  • 皮膚完全吸收噴霧,可於重點問題部位再噴多數下,待乾,讓皮膚再度吸收噴霧精華。

  • 繼續日常護膚程序,可以不用爽膚水/純露。

  • 產品含海鹽成份,所以會比較清爽。問題皮膚如暗瘡、濕疹等為「傷口」皮膚,所以有機會有少少感到刺痛。但海鹽富含的礦物質,能大大改善問題皮膚幫助,配合深海巨藻,會慢慢修復調理皮膚至正常狀態。

  • 噴霧的益生元成份為潔面啫喱的50倍,故一併使用效果會相得益彰。

Aleavia 的成立,源於創辦人 Kelly Graham 的女兒一直飽受濕疹困擾。

在為其女兒苦尋解決濕疹良方的過程中 ,Kelly 發現皮膚如果長期使用不良化學成份的產品,其自然免疫能力會被大幅削弱。若肌膚屏障受損、皮膚狀態會變得不穩定,除了會顯乾、粗糙、暗沉,更可能容易引發敏感、濕疹、痘痘、濕疹、敏感、玫瑰痤瘡、牛皮癬或其他發炎的症狀

Kelly 其後開始自行研發治療女兒濕疹的產品,當她開始於產品加入益生元配方,奇妙的事情發生 - Kelly 女兒的濕疹症狀於一個月內消失!Kelly 因此成立 Aleavia,希望能協助其他患者,自成立以內其產品在市場獲得不少良好口碑,並於美國五十間營養產品中心/ 診所有售。

Aleavia 品牌的產品,不只是普通的天然護膚品。它的創新、高效、多功能性的革命性配方,必能為你的皮膚帶來顯著的內外轉變。

Kelly Graham began Aleavia, an exclusive prebiotic plant-based skincare line, with a simple concept - nourishing your largest organ, YOUR SKIN, on the outside is just as vitally important as how we nourish our bodies on the inside.

While searching for a solution to her daughters persistent eczema, Kelly learned the body’s natural ability to protect itself is stripped away when regularly bombarded with harsh, chemically - derived “beauty” products. The result is the skin’s natural balance is disrupted causing irritation, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, dry skin, premature aging and other skin problems.

While exploring all-natural remedies, Kelly discovered a formulator that had been making prebiotic formulas for years! When these completely plant-based natural products cleared her daughters eczema up in less than a month, Kelly knew this was something revolutionary.

Fascinated by the accelerated healing power of prebiotics that feed the beneficial microbes we all have on our skin, Kelly's dream quickly became to share these ultra-pure gentle formulas with the world.

Aleavia is not just a company looking to push a product. Aleavia is a movement; a passion; a family. It represents our desire to see you and your loved ones in the best health of their lives.


敏感肌 泛紅 敏感 濕疹 玫瑰痤瘡 舒敏 防敏 低敏 敏感肌洗面 敏感肌精華 有機護膚品 天然護膚品 益生元 益生菌

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